Pricing / Fees

Please see below for a full list of services and fees for our service. Our chiropractors in Coventry have years of experience in a number of treatment and pain types. For more information, please contact us.

Consultations Fee
Consultation/Assessment & Treatment
Consultation only
Chiropractic/physiotherapy, per session
Acupuncture for musculoskeletal, per session
Musculoskeletal only K-Laser Acupuncture, per session
Medical K-Laser Therapy (LLLT), per session
Shockwave Therapy Fee
Focused Shockwave Therapy, per session
Radial Shockwave Therapy, per session
Shockwave Therapy administered with D and V Activators for cellulite and stretch mark reduction – per area* 6-10 sessions required* Area refers to as front or back thigh, buttocks, stomach. Fee per session
Shockwave Therapy administered with D and V Activators (as above) for a course of 6 sessions
Shockwave Therapy administered with D and V Activators for a course of 10 sessions
Focused or Radial Shockwave Therapy for plantar fasciitis and heel spur/ calcification, foot bursitis, stress fractures, per session (3-6 sessions required)
Focused or Radial Shockwave Therapy for Achilles tendonitis and scar tissue, per session ( 3-6 sessions usually required)
Shockwave Therapy breaking down of scar tissue and regeneration of soft tissue Injuries, Dupuytren’s-contracture, trigger finger, per session ( 3-6 sessions required)
Shockwave Therapy for frozen shoulder, pain, rotator cuff tear, calcification, bursitis, tendonitis, per session (3-6 sessions usually required)
Shockwave Therapy for tennis elbow, wrist, RSI, forearm, biceps, tendons, ligaments, fractures, pain and injuries. 3 sessions paid in advance
Shockwave Therapy deep tissue massage with D–Activator, 30 minute session (this is equivalent of 4 sessions of deep tissue massage preformed by hand)
Shockwave Therapy – pre paid for two areas, per session
IDD Therapy Fee
IDD Therapy per individual session for cervical (neck) pain, bulging/ herniated disc, trapped nerves
Scans & X-Rays Fee
MSK Ultrasound Scans including report of findings
Digital X-Rays per area, report of findings. Prepaid
Digital X-Rays per area with written report. Prepaid
Ultrasound Guided Injections - price list per body part Fee
Clinical Consultation: Includes clinical examination, diagnosis scan & report, per area
Hyaluronic acid (gel) injections. Includes consultation, diagnosis & ultrasound guided hyaluronic acid injection
From £250
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. Includes consultation, diagnosis & ultrasound guided PRP injection. Fee is per injection, per problem
Starts at £550
Cortisone for standard conditions. Includes consultation, diagnostic ultrasound scan & single ultrasound guided injection. For treatments of: shoulder impingement, tendinitis, rotator cuff tear, shoulder AC joint, base of the thumb joint pain, carpal tunnel injection, knee joint arthritis, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, plantar fasciitis, Morton’s Neuroma, and trigger Finger
Advanced procedures: Includes consultation, diagnostic ultrasound scan & single ultrasound guided advanced procedure from £470. Ganglion Cyst aspiration (£350.00), frozen shoulder – Joint injection (£350), frozen shoulder – Hydrodistension or Hydro dilatation, calcific tendinopathy – Barbotage nerve lock – Meralgia Paresthetica, nerve block for shoulder pain, hip joint Intra articular injections, Iliopsoas tendon sheath / Bursa, and Piriformis injection
From £350
Trigger point injections. Includes consultation, diagnostic ultrasound scan & ultrasound guided injections. Fee is for one body area.
Spinal injections. Sacro-iliac joint injection, coccyx, and facet joints injection
From £550
Treatment reports


Central Chiropractic Clinic does NOT accept BUPA health insurance.

Please bring all details of your policy at your first appointment including authorisation code, personal/company policy number, policy expiry date and stated excess on your policy (especially AXA/PPP patients).

We ask all patients to pay for their appointment on the same day or in some cases in advance.

We accept payment by cash, cheque, debit card, credit card (including American Express).

Deposits & cancellations

There is high demand for our expert clinicians and it inconveniences other patients waiting for appointments when appointments are missed or cancelled at short notice.

Therefore we generally take advance payment for all new patient appointments at the time of booking.

We reserve the right to charge for any appointment cancelled with less than 24 hours noticed or if a patient does not attend.

Combined Therapy

The fee of £45.00 may include a combination of treatments, dry needling, acupuncture, ergonomic advice, stretching/strengthening exercises as part of that visit. Central Chiropractic Clinic is one of very few clinics in Coventry and the Midlands offering this type of combined treatment while others may charge patients separately for each type of therapy used. Treatment times may vary depending on severity, chronicity and individual requirements.

Specialist Therapies – IDD Therapy/Shockwave and K-Laser Therapy

Costs for IDD Therapy, Shockwave and K-Laser Therapy – please refer to the individual web pages for the terms and conditions for the relevant therapy above.


Tel: 02476 222002


Address: 12 Park Road, Coventry, Warwickshire,    CV1 2LD


Monday – Friday: 7:30am – 7pm

Saturday: 8am – 1pm

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